Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Spider-Man 4 villain revealed via slip of the tongue?

I know it's not a movie, but has a new web page up about the Spider-Man Broadway musical. The reason I'm writing about it here is because the first video on that page (embedded below) may contain what could be a verbal/mental slip regarding the villain of Spider-Man 4 (or more likely could just be me reading waay too much into things).

When director Julie Taymor discusses her approach to the Broadway show and how it will differ from the approach taken by the films, she mentions that rather than just pick one villain and work a story around that (as they did in the movies), she wanted the show to somehow encompass the conceptual totality of the Spider-Man/Peter Parker experience that spans 40 years worth of comics.

It is during her discussion of this topic that she makes what could be a telling slip of the tongue: she quickly rattles off the villains from the movies in an offhand manner, mentioning the Goblin, Doctor Octopus, and...the Lizard?!

Now this could simply have been her throwing in another villain as a random example of someone they might have discussed using at some point.

But...I would imagine that someone in her position could be in on Marvel's high level plans for the film series. Does she indeed know that the Lizard is the villain for Spider-Man 4? And did she accidentally let that slip while she was discussing a different yet related topic?

Again, I'm aware that it's more than likely I am reading waay too much into this, but you never know...



  1. That's so crazy that it might actually be true

  2. On the one hand it seems absurd, and on the other, I can totally believe it. The devil is in the details, as they say...

  3. The assumption would be that this person is "in the know" - if we believe that she is - then I think it is right on the money!

  4. Well I think theres also a possibility that she heard alot of fans, including me, are expecting lizard after the "Dr. Conners" build up in all three films. Even Stan Lee said in an interview he would love to see lizard. If they do another multi-villain thing...That may suck, but I would also want Vulture. If they do Carnage we all know he'll only get fifteen minutes in the movie and will prob be played by Ashton Cutcher or whatever, continuing with some "70's Show" theme...oy. The third one really dissapointed me. lol.

  5. Ashton Kutcher as Carnage! Could you imagine? Maybe a Jonas brother while we're at it! But hey with big event pictures pretty much nothing suprises me.
    I agree JWB, she may just have had Lizard on her mind due to the reasons you mention, and the name just came out because of that. Lizard does seem like the logical choice, my guesswork aside.
    Here's to hoping that 4 is better than 3.

  6. I also have a feeling she's right. I sort of had the feeling all along that the Lizard would be the next villain. And he's perfect. It would also be cool if there was a cameo of Mysterio in the movie. There is a lot of potential for comic relief with Mysterio. He'd be good as a small "off to the side" villain. I DO NOT WANT MORE THAN TWO VILLAINS! JUST ONE IS GREAT!
